The Dog Hoose Blog RSS
Yellow Dog Campaign - My dog needs space
If you see a dog or owner, with a yellow ribbon or perhaps a bandana, please be aware that the dog needs some space. This dog could be recovering from an operation, may have just been rehomed or is simply just anxious dealing with the outside world and in training to learn some coping mechanisms. Please be respectful and give both owner and dog some space.
Making Meal Times More Engaging
There is so much to learn about dogs and we try to help and offer advice where we can, from our little pet shop in North Tyneside. Did you know that 15 minutes of scent work is the equivalent to 1 hours of physical exercise for your dog...but please ensure that your dog is also getting plenty of sleep too Here are some simple ideas to try.....why not ditch the bowl and make it more fun Scatter feeding...whereby the food is simply scattered in the garden and your dog has to sniff it out We have a great selection of...
Raw Hide Free Pet Shop
Check out a page on Facebook called Planet Paws and watch their video 'How Rawhide is made'. Rawhide, is a chew found widely in many shops, made using chemicals and not fully digestible. My shop in North Tyneside is a Rawhide Free Zone. Everything, I stock in my shop, I would personally give to my dog and there are some great healthy, alternatives to Rawhide, which also aid in keeping the teeth clean. All our chews are naturally air dried, with no nasties and we have a great range of proteins for dogs with sensitivities. These are all 100% digestible...